Thursday, Nov 3, 2016
Congratulations to our 2016 Photo Contest winners! Thank you to everyone that submitted a photo - we had many great options to choose from! Photos were submitted in three categories: Flora & Fauna, Landscapes, and People in Nature in order to capture Michigan's natural beauty.
Grand Prize Winner!
"In Flight" at MNA's Karner Blue Nature Sanctuary in Newaygo County by Randy Butters.
Flora & Fauna
First Place:
"White-lined Sphinx Moth" by Mary Rasmussen.
Second Place:
"Northern saw-whet owl" by Patrick Wright.
Third Place:
"Virginia Bluebells" at MNA's Coldwater River Nature Sanctuary in Kent County by Marilyn Keigley.
Honorable Mention:
"Egret in the mist" by Deb Traxinger.
First Place:
"Late autumn snowstorm" at MNA's Wilcox Warnes Memorial Nature Sanctuary in Macomb County by Jason Steel.

Second Place:
"Tannery Falls" at MNA's Twin Waterfalls Memorial Nature Sanctuary in Alger County by Shannon Hart.
Third Place:
"Menomonee River Sunrise" by Joy Ziemnick.
Honorable Mention:
"Heron and Deer in the Fog" by Byron Drachman.
People in Nature
First Place:
"Chance Encounter" at MNA's Newaygo Prairie by Randy Butters.

Second Place:
"Kayaking at the Sloughs" by Nathan Miller.
Third Place:
"Hiking" by Patricia Pennell.
Honorable Mention:
"Bioblitz on Lake Perrault" by Nathan Miller.